Friday, April 6, 2012

Photoshop Tools

And here is my last post on Photoshop and then on to some real fun.  I already have some good pictures of my daughter's room which is where I'm starting this whole deal.  If you have any suggestions on wood floors in a kid's room, then let me know.  There are some wood floors hiding under the carpets.  I still have yet to find out their condition, but that will be a decision that needs to be made at some point whether I replace the carpeting upstairs or restore all of the hardwoods.  Let me know your opinion.

Back to Photoshop.  Using Photoshop can be pretty easy once you understand layering.  The tools themselves are pretty self explanatory in their names, but if you need additional help googling Photoshop Tools will provide you with a wealth of information and great descriptions on the uses of the tools and other possible effects that you can achieve.  Just remember that you need to be on the layer you are working on and that they layer on top of each other in the order they appear.  If you keep these basic rules in mind you should be well on your way.  I learn by doing mostly so if you play around with it you should be there in no time.

Using Photoshop

Two more posts for class and then we can make this blog mine.  First of all I want to talk about the ethics of using Photoshop.  I think that it can be both ethical and non-ethical depending on the situation.  If you are editing a photo to take out damaged areas or to enhance the photo that it is completely ethical.  If you are editing the photo to change the appearance of the subjects in the photo then I do not believe it is ethical. The reason I think this is because of the many images of models out there that are altered that give a false impression to youth and adults alike about their need to be perfect.  If we understand that the human body is rarely perfect than we can be more comfortable with the image of ourselves that we have.